Code of Conduct
The safety of athletes, coaches, and staff is paramount at Richmond Gymnastics, in addition to the professionalism of coach-athlete relationships. The coaches, during the course of training, communicate standards of behavior and expectations to the athlete. RGA follows the directives set out by Gymnastics Canada and Gymnastics BC for the safety and well-being of athletes, coaches, and staff. Adherence to these directives allows RGA to keep the interests of the athlete prime in our minds while they train. It is expected that all parents understand and abide by the guidelines and rules of the Association. Terms and conditions of participation (policies) can be found here.
Behaviour: Participants should always listen to their coach.
No matter what class you are training in, you are all training in the facility together. Participants, as athletes, are expected to be respectful to their teammates, other participants, and coaches. It is everybody’s responsibility to make the training environment a respectful, fun, and an encouraging one. It is all in the spirit of true sportsmanship.
Participants in all programs are expected to be socially and emotionally capable of conducting themselves appropriately with their peers and coaches. They should be able to actively participate in all scheduled activities of the program. Participants who do not demonstrate these abilities, may be required to withdraw from the program.
Shouting/talking loudly to the point of being distracting, rude or demeaning language, and disrespect to coaches and teammates is not acceptable.
Please be respectful and mindful to all visitors in the lobby/waiting area. Enter and exit the facility in an orderly fashion.
Non-instructional running is not allowed. Athletes should walk from place to place. Watch where you walk and be mindful of other participants and classes.
No athlete is allowed on any equipment without permission from the coach. Equipment is for training and skill development.
Punctuality: Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your class starts so that you can get ready in time before your class commences. For numerous reasons, it is not safe/respectful to join a class late. Please attend every training/class. It is important for safe and continued progression through the program.
Disobedience, rude behavior (verbal/physical language), tantrums, lack of active and engaged participation, pushing, poking, and not following instructions
Use of inappropriate, discriminatory, or abusive, exclusionary language
Threatening, harassing, bullying, or intimidating behaviors within the gym community or interference with the learning of others (eg: not allowing others to take their turn)
Climbing over equipment (unless during a specified activity)
Theft or damage to the property/equipment
Arriving more than 10 minutes late to class and/or constant lateness without advising the office/coach about late arrival
Cleanliness: Show pride in the facility you train at. The coaches and staff at RGA are working for you to establish or build upon a foundation for active participation in sport for life, to stay healthy, and to be mentally active. Participants are expected to be respectful of their surroundings i.e. the facility they train at and the equipment they use.
Please clean up after yourself, especially after a snack break. Please keep the locker area and change rooms clean.
Attire: Can be found here
Valuables: Do not carry any valuables or items of personal importance to the gym. Athletes/participants do not have any lockable cubbies that they can use. RGA takes no responsibility for any lost or misplaced items.
Healthy habits: Let’s instill healthy eating habits early in life to contribute to a healthy society and the field of sports.
Please make sure that your child carries a water bottle to class. The bottle will be kept in the cubby area and will be accessible to them during break time and throughout the class as needed. The bottle can be refilled at the faucet in the kitchen
If snacks are allowed in your child’s class, please ensure your child brings only healthy, nutritious, non-messy snacks. Gymnastics for All (recreational) class participants do not require to bring snacks unless specifically asked by the gym.
Choosing to commit to a sport for a few or several hours per week requires commitment and support from parents and guardians. Your engagement and understanding with your child will make the difference in their positive participation in the sport.
Respect towards staff and adherence to the rules of the Association is prime while conducting any business related to your child participating in sport.
Photography and videography: Due to privacy reasons, parents are not allowed to photograph or film their child while in class.
Parent and Tot class: Parents must refrain from being on their devices for the duration of the class. The idea of this class is to have the parent fully attentive and involved. In the event that the parent is repeatedly distracted, the coach reserves the right to remove the participant from class. Parents are not allowed to bring food or drinks into class.
Coaching: Allow the coach to do the coaching. Trust the process the coaches use to instruct the fundamentals of physical literacy through the sport of gymnastics. We strive to foster the skills and mindset necessary for children to excel in the sport. Allow us do our job the way we know how to do it best.
Please refrain from addressing your child when the class is in session, for any reason whatsoever. If there is an emergency, please contact the office or get the attention of the coach to talk to your child. It’s important that the child does not get distracted while training. This is for the safety of the child and the class.
Communication with coaches and staff: Please schedule a time to talk to the coach should you have any concerns. We request that parents do not meet with the coach about their child’s training just before a class starts. Please ask the coach if they have time after class to speak with you. If the coach is not available immediately after, please feel free to email/call the office. Your queries will be addresses as promptly as possible.
Parents are not allowed in the gym training area unless allowed by the coach or the office.
Support your child: Encourage your child to be responsible towards training, have fun in a safe manner, learn, grow, and excel. If your child is having any concerns, please feel free to contact the coach or the office.
RGA communicates with all its members via emails, newsletters, social media posts, website, and notices around the facility. It is the responsibility of parents to inform themselves on any updates/changes.
Punctuality: Please ensure your child is on time for class, and is picked-up on time. Arrive up to 5 minutes early before the start of class. Factor in the time that the child will take to get ready for class so the class can commence on time. For numerous reasons, it is not safe/respectful to join a class late. Continual late pick up from class will have additional charges applied to a parent’s account. Please call the office in a timely manner, with a detailed reason, if you are arriving late to drop off/pick up your child. Please keep in mind the office timings when you do so.
Visiting the facility/health: Parents/guardians are allowed to stay in the parent viewing area to watch their child participate in class. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to monitor their own health and/ of their child to ensure that all are in good health when accessing the facility for classes. For the safety of staff and other participants, a class participant may be asked to leave class if the participant is unwell, shows symptoms of sickness and/is physically unable to actively participate in class.
Lets imbibe the spirit of Richmond Gymnastics Association in every sphere of training and life: Friendship, Excellence and Respect.
Results of Unacceptable behavior, within the facility by a participant or member, and during training: Maturity and the intellectual, social, and emotional capacity of participants/members are considered while determining consequences of unacceptable behaviour. The frequency and severity of misbehaviour, including but not limited to, following the rules and guidelines set by the Association, is also taken into consideration, along with the number of occasions the participant/member had to be spoken to about their behavior. The action taken will:
attempt to teach acceptable social, and training behaviour
be fair, consistent, thoughtful, and empathetic to all parties involved
attempt to prevent a recurrence of any such acts/behaviors
be implemented before the participant/member can return to the facility
updated September 2024