Terms and Conditions of Participation
Refunds, Withdrawals, Non-payment / Arrears
Gymnastics for All (Recreational) program:
Every participant who participates in any class at RGA is required to have an annual membership which is applied once at the time of registration and is valid for the entire season. The current season is September 2024 - August 2025. Season fees is as follows - Total $66 (Gymnastics BC (GBC) fee:-$44 plus RGA club fee:- $22). If a participant has a GBC membership from another GBC member club, a $22 RGA club fee will be applicable at the time of registration.
The year/season that runs from September to August is set by regulatory bodies such as Gymnastics BC.
The recreational (Gymnastics for All (GfA) program runs in 2 sessions – Fall (Sept-Jan), Spring (February-June). RGA also schedules seasonal camps.
Fee: All class fee plus any other applicable fee eg: membership fee must be paid in full in order to register for a class (unless a class is specified to have instalment payments).
Registration is processed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Release of liability: All members choosing to participate in a program and/or session with RGA, must accept the ‘Gymnastics BC/RGA Exclusion of Liability, Assumption of Risks’ policy which becomes available to a member upon registering for a class on our registration portal/or when advised. In the event that the policy is not accepted or is rejected, RGA reserves the right to withdraw the participant from class and cancel participation.
Class Cancellation/adjustments: Richmond Gymnastics reserves the right to change/re-organize the class schedule or cancel classes due to low registration or any other reason that is out of RGA’s control. If a class cancellation becomes necessary owing to reasons specific to a situation at RGA, you will be notified by RGA on a suitable replacement class.
There are no make-up sessions or refunds for classes canceled owing to circumstances out of RGA’s control such as inclement weather or class(es) missed due to a member’s vacation, illness, personal reasons, or injury at training that caused absences for less than two weeks (any adjustments for missed training due to injury in class is determined on a per case basis and requires a detailed medical note from a licensed medical service provider. Any adjustment will only be considered if the injury required absence of more than two weeks).
All reasonable efforts will be made by RGA to inform members in a timely manner of any changes in the class schedule. Members are usually informed via email or via an announcement on the RGA website.
The coach is at liberty to end a class up to 5 minutes early to accommodate a transition to the next class.
Class fee is not adjusted/prorated should the class you want to join has already started and has remaining spots available. This includes participants joining the class from a waitlist.
Fee credit on file of one member is not transferable to another member.
Private lessons: Fee is to be paid upon booking.
Trial classes: RGA does not offer trial classes. We feel that one class for an hour or so does not do justice to what the participant can expect and learn through a session. A participant is welcome to withdraw from a class, as per policies, if they feel that a class is not for them.
Team programs (competitive) - Womens Artistic Gymnastics including CCP, Xcel, High school program,
& Mens Artistic Gymnastics program:
Admission into these programs, every season, is by assessment/invitation only.
Program registration form, program application fee, and the annual membership fee (which includes Gymnastics BC & Gymnastics Canada fee, and insurance levy) are applicable.
This program is a 10-12 month program and the monthly fee is payable within the first 10 days of the month via bank direct debit.
The coach finalizes the number of hours/days of training and the schedule of athletes. Athletes must stick to their scheduled days of training.
The number of competitions that an athlete will participate in is at the discretion of the coach.
Registration in a program is terminated if there are continual arrears in fee payment.
Gymnastics for All (Recreational) program:
GBC/RGA annual registration/membership fee cannot be prorated and is non-refundable. Please email us before registering if you already have a GBC membership from another gymnastics facility.
Withdrawal before the first class - minimum 5 working days before first class, 70% of the class fee will be refunded via the original mode of payment or cheque. If a request for a refund is received within 5 working days of the start of class, the fee of one class will be deducted from the eligible refund.
Withdrawal after the first class – by the first 2 classes and minimum 5 working days before the 2nd/3rd class, 70% of the prorated class fee will be refunded. If a request is received within 5 days of the next scheduled class, the fee of the class will be deducted from the refund. No refunds will be issued after the eligible time frame.
For sessions that have 6 classes or less - Withdrawal requests will be accepted only after the first class, and minimum 5 working days before the 2nd class. Regular refund policy is applicable.
For SEASONAL camps: minimum of 2 weeks prior to the start of camp - 70% of the class fee will be refunded. If the withdrawal is within 2 weeks of the start of camp, only 50% of the class fee will be refunded. No refunds will be issued if there is a cancellation within a week of the start of camp. No credits/refunds for missed camp classes.
All withdrawal requests will be assessed from the date the withdrawal request is received via email at admin@richmondgymnastics.com, and when accompanied with proof/details.
Refunds/adjustments for withdrawal/class continuation due to a medical reason (i.e.: an extended injury or an extended illness of more than 2 weeks) may be eligible with a written physician’s note (with license number) that provides the reason and duration for missing participation in detail. RGA reserves the right to decide on the disbursement of a pro-rated/adjusted refund of the remaining classes, if applicable, from the date the medical note is received via email or in person. Administrative charges will be applicable if request is accepted.
A $30.00 service charge will be applicable for NSF cheques and/or decline on 2nd attempt to process credit card payments.
Transfer Fee: $15.00 fee, per participant will be charged for transferring from one class to another, provided there are spots available, and if the transfer request is received by the first 2 weeks of classes and/ minimum 5 working days before the third class. Difference in class fee, if any, will be applicable.
If a parent registers for more than one class for the same child and requests a refund for one class, the regular refund policy will apply. Please contact the office to make a transfer to a class of your choice instead of registering in multiple classes. A participant must not register in a class where the class duration overlaps.
Registration for the upcoming season will not be accepted unless all outstanding fees have been settled.
Parents who rely on KidSport, Canadian Tire Jumpstart, or any other financial assistance, are encouraged to apply for funds in a timely manner. The funds approved and received by RGA for a child, for a particular class, from the support organization, will be placed on the child’s account. Members can use these funds to pay for classes. If a session is commencing and the support is delayed, parents, if possible, may use their own funds and register their child in the class of their choice to avoid disappointment. If a parent wishes to receive a refund of the funds received after paying for the class, a 5% administrative cost will be deducted from the applicable refund amount. However, once the fee received has been added to the registration account, requests for a refund may be accepted and processed (minus 10% admin costs). Note: a refund will only be considered for the amount of fee paid by the parent for a class for which support was received.
It is the parent’s responsibility to communicate with the office in a timely manner.
Private lessons: a 5-day notice is required for a 70% refund of the class fee for a scheduled private lesson. No credit or refund will be given for notice less than 5 days in advance. A rescheduling fee may be applicable should a class be rescheduled with less than 48 hours’ notice.
Team programs (competitive) WAG & MAG:
Withdrawals: A request to withdraw a participant must be submitted in writing to admin@richmondgymnastics.com. The request will be assessed from the working day it is received by the office in writing. Once the request is accepted, the withdrawal is subject to a minimum charge of six weeks’ training fees, from the date the request was received and accepted, AND once the athlete has ceased to attend training. Please refer to Team registration package for more details.
Harassment and Bullying Policy
RGA prides itself in providing a positive, inclusive, and understanding space for training and work. That is why RGA is committed to creating and sustaining an environment that has respect and dignity for athletes, coaches, parents, and employees/contractors. It is only together that we can work towards providing the best for our athletes and staff so that they are supported in achieving their highest potential.
There is zero tolerance for bullying and harassment at RGA and this applies to all members including but not limited to athletes, coaches, volunteers, parents, directors, and employees of RGA. You are encouraged to report incidents to the office immediately via email: admin@richmondgymnastics.com. Most investigations take place internally and are dealt with promptly and diligently while being fair, sensitive, and impartial.
Safety and Health Policy
RGA understands that we are responsible for the safety and welfare of all its participants and any visitors to the club. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us that we exhibit a ‘duty of care’ that requires adherence to a standard of reasonable care. In the field of providing services in the sport of gymnastics, this duty extends over many areas including:
The provision of a safe environment
The safe development of athletes
The provision of suitable first aid support and emergency procedures
RGA reserves the right to remove any participant from class should the supervising coach report that the athlete is not participating due to fever, cough, excessive itching due to rash or lice, and any other symptoms/illness that might be contagious and harmful to others. The parent/guardian will be called and asked to take their child home.
Use of likeness
Parental consent is requested at the time of registration. With consent, Richmond Gymnastics Association reserves the right to take, retain, use, and produce photographs, video recordings, and/or audio recordings of participants to help further Richmond Gymnastics Association’s educational, fundraising, and marketing, amongst other initiatives, without payment of any fee.
Privacy Policy
RGA adheres to the GymnasticsBC privacy policy.
All participants are expected to abide by the Athlete Code of Conduct and it is imperative that the parent/guardian abide by Parent Code of Conduct.
updated November 2024