Parent Participation Commitment Program
Parent Participation Commitment Program
Participation by the members of the community has always played an integral part in the functioning of Richmond Gymnastics Association. RGA is non-profit society registered with the BC Societies and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. RGA has a history of invaluable contributions by volunteers and every single bit counts in a big way. We would not be where we are today without the support of the committed members and it is imperative that we continue this spirit of engagement.
What is this program:
This plan is to invite support from the community including family members of athletes who train with us. The involvement assists RGA in providing exceptional programs in a professional, affordable manner while ensuring that you stay connected with the organization that gives an opportunity of participation in the sport that your child invests so much time in. This involvement has a positive effect on your child while building a strong, constructive, and mutually beneficial environment within the association.
How can you support:
Every family structure and time availability/commitment is different. As a ‘contributing member’ there are many ‘participation’ opportunities that you can partake in while considering your interests, strengths, time constraints, etc. We strive to offer as much flexibility as possible so every parent has opportunities to contribute. Please sign up as soon as you can as spots are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Parent participation hours can be gained by getting involved in the tasks:
Gym cleaning / set-up
Daily gym clean/sanitization (scheduled at convenient drop off and pick up times)
Bi weekly gym clean - scheduled mostly on Saturday evenings. (Two cleaning shifts are mandatory)
Gym reorganization and/deep clean (one shift is mandatory)
Foam pit cleaning
Laundry (to be fair to all members, members must not sign up for more than 2 laundry shifts)
Decoration committee
Liven up the gym and specific areas such as kitchen/birthday room and general parent viewing area
Fundraising committee
Spearheading/ organizing fundraising programs approved by the Association.
RGA attempts to provide 1-3 fundraising opportunities throughout the season.
Marketing / promotion
Season-end show committee
Participation in marketing events
Gaining sponsorships
Gym special projects
Repairs, special cleaning projects, and other duties as planned. Please reach out the office with your specialty if you are interested in contributing.
How can you sign up?
RGA attempts to send emails on a regular basis to members on file to inform them of new activities that get added to the task list. Members are also informed on how to sign-up for these tasks.
Note: fresh sign-up sheets for cleaning tasks are posted in the last week of the month. Members do not receive monthly emails when these sheets are posted unless there is a special activity scheduled.
Sign-up for activities is generally by one of the following ways:
Write your name down on the sign up sheet for the task/s on the bulletin board
Sign up for the open positions online on our registration portal
For specialized tasks, if requested, send email to and express interest
It is the responsibility of each family to record their detailed report of Participation Hours in the Parent Participation Commitment LOG SHEET. The completed log sheet must be submitted to the office in person or via email every 2-3 months or as requested.
How does it work?
Anybody can help; No task is too small. If you have a field of expertise that could benefit the gym that our kids train at, bring it on!!! Any parent of a registered athlete can help.
Members may choose to NOT participate in any PPC tasks. This simply means that your deposit will be forfeited and are opting-out of participating. However, should you choose to participate, please ensure that the mandatory tasks are completed in order to receive the deposit back.
The majority of responsibility rests on the parents of athletes in the team/competitive program since these athletes use the gym the most.
The parent submits a deposit (single/multi-child) at the time of registration.
Parent Participation Commitment (PPC) fee deposit is equal to ONE month of the athlete’s training fee, as determined at the start of the season.
Hours of commitment is as per the table in the registration package.
Adjustments are made to multi child family (only for each additional child/ren) as follows:
Child training at higher hours is determined as the ‘primary one’.
Deposit fee for each additional child = half of one-month training fee (whichever is lower)
Maximum number of participation hours per family is 40.
(For parents with more than one child training in program, RGA can charge the PPC fee in installments if you choose. Please reach out to the office to discuss a personal plan as long as it can be settled within a couple of months into the season)
The PPC fee will not be prorated for refund or credit.
All individual/adjusted (as a family) PPC hours need to be completed, in full, within the training season (before June 15, 2025) to be eligible for a refund or a credit towards the next year (the end date may be revised).
Any excess participation hours in a given training year do not carry over to the following year.
If an athlete joins the program after the start of the session, the PPC hours will be determined at the discretion of the Association.
Mandatory tasks - for Season 2024-25 - should you choose to participate to claim your deposit back: two bi-weekly gym cleaning shifts are mandatory for family with one child in the program, three bi-weekly gym cleaning shifts are mandatory for family with two or more children in the program. ONE gym set up/ re-organization/deep clean shift is mandatory.
Please - do not wait until the last minute to accumulate your hours. Start as soon as tasks are posted.
Parent Participation Commitment (PPC) FAQ’s
FAQ 1: When do we have to submit the deposit for the Parent Participation Commitment?
Answer: The deposit is payable at the time of registration, and details of when such charges are applicable, are mentioned in the registration package.FAQ 2: Can we opt out of the Parent Participation Program? (eg: very busy/doesn’t fit our schedule)
Answer: Yes - this simply means that your deposit (which is equal to one month fee) will not be returned to you at the end of the season. You also do not have to participate in any PPC activities. Please let us know if you wish to be removed from the email communication list.FAQ 3: Can I decide to opt out later in the year?
Answer: You can opt out/ choose not to participate at any time throughout the year. This simply means that if your hours are not completed, your deposit will not be returned.FAQ 4: What if I opt out, and want to participate later?
Answer: Deposit is charged at the start of the season, so you can participate in activities as and when you want. Simply ensure that you complete the hours and the mandatory tasks if you would like to claim your participation deposit. Please keep a record of your hours and submit them to the office. Once the hours are checked and completed, RGA will return the deposit to you at the end of the training year or credit it towards the next year (for returning athletes).
Fundraising commitment
Fundraising is a major component of Parent Participation. Fundraising activities are an important source of income for a non-profit and essential to the fiscal viability of our programs that are offered to the community at large. RGA aims to organize multiple fundraisers throughout the season. Per athlete, there is a nominal commitment of $60 of profit. A fundraising deposit is charged to the member account at the start of the year, and if the member raises the $60 profit via the scheduled activities, the $60 is refunded to the account at the end of the year. Anything extra contributed by the member in our fundraisers, goes towards the various initiatives that are in place to benefit athletes/ participants.
RGA has scheduled the following fundraising activities in the past with success.
Purdys, West Coast Seeds, Sue’s Jerky, Poinsettia, frozen foods, and a bottle drive. We hope to continue with the same and much more!
We welcome ideas and initiative to have more fundraising activities added.
More information and current fundraising initiatives can be found here.