“Return to Play” Plan
As British Columbia public health authorities continue to develop guidelines to lift some restrictions on gatherings in a responsible way, GymnasticsBC has been working with viaSport and the Province of British Columbia to understand the recommendations of the Chief Provincial Health Officer and how they best apply within our sport.
Following their guidelines and protocols, RGA reopened limited programs in a phased manner starting Thursday, June 18th. This first phase incorporated classes that included experienced, and advanced gymnasts. For now, these classes included the Competitive program (WAG and MAG).
We have implemented enhanced screening procedures, sanitisation and cleaning protocols and have modified training/classes so that we accommodate participant’s abilities and adhere to the occupancy limit of 50(different spaces). We have endeavored to stay updated and keep you in the loop with ever-evolving engagement strategies. As usual, we will keep you posted with new developments and updated class schedules to help all of us steer through these times together.
All members will be required to understand and follow the health, and safety measures, and the new training arrangements for safe participation.
Richmond Gymnastics Association’s Return to Sport COVID-19 Safety Plan - updated
Participant Declaration of Compliance – must be completed and submitted by participants/parents/guardians before entering the facility
GymnasticsBC Release of Liability - must be completed and submitted by participants/parents/guardians before entering the facility
Watch the video below for information on new measures with respect to safety and training. Participant/Parent Expectations
Rest assured that your safety and well-being is our priority!
We will navigate through this together and we, at RGA, believe that we will be able to progress towards smooth functioning, and engagement in the sport only with your collaboration, support and understanding!
For any questions/concerns, please email admin@richmondgymnastics.com
STRIKE A POSE again…. Welcome back!